When a customer leaves cash on the table as a tip, there is no processing fee and the worker can simply collect their tip. Generally speaking, only the person who was actually serving that table is allowed to take the tip. But there are cases where the worker may be...
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Wage & Hour Litigation
How can employees keep track of their hours?
Tracking your hours is critical in case your employer ever engages in wage theft—i.e., when an employer fails to compensate an employee for all hours worked. This article outlines ways that you can keep track of your hours depending on how your employer tracks your time.
What is Chinese overtime, and is it legal?
The fluctuating workweek method of calculating overtime compensation, also known by the outdated name “Chinese overtime,” is a practice used by some employers to pay you less than they should. This method for computing overtime is only permitted in limited circumstances. Specifically, it is supposed to be used to determine the amount of bonus compensation for employees who have fixed weekly salaries but have hours that change from week to week.
Even salaried workers sometimes have the right to overtime pay
Federal overtime pay rules exist to protect employees from exploitation by their employers. Companies cannot force workers to work every single day or to stay for extremely long shifts without paying them extra for that additional work. Hourly workers have the right...
Should you be paid for travel time?
You’re a hard worker who always shows up on time. You live around one hour away from the worksite, so a significant part of your mornings and evenings are spent commuting. Recently, however, your boss has been asking you to make stops on the way to work. You’ve also...
Why electronic pay stubs are still important
Employees who get paid with paper checks tend to get a pay stub with each one of these checks. The stub simply explains the amount that they were paid by showing them things like the deductions that were made, the hours worked, the hourly rate, any overtime hours and...
Can your employer write you up for discussing your wages?
It's well-known that pay inequality is pervasive in the workplace. But how do you know if you are receiving equal pay for doing the same job as your co-corkers? Can I ask my co-workers how much they make? Have you ever suspected that your employer isn't paying you as...
When should you expect your final paycheck?
A person who is leaving a place of employment, either because of a termination or resignation, expects that they will receive their pay for the hours worked through their last day. While some employers might try to avoid having to pay those workers, there are laws...
The minimum wage increase for federal employees affects 67,000
Last month, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that it is raising the minimum wage for civilian employees of the federal government to $15.00 an hour. The increase affects some 67,000 people who work in the U.S. across multiple agencies and...
Don’t let retaliation prevent you from obtaining a fair wage
No matter which industry you are employed in, you are entitled to fair compensation for the work that you do. In fact, this is enshrined in federal law. The provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) dictate the minimum wage requirements that employers are...