Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for your financial well-being. Your credit score can affect your ability to get loans, lower interest rates, secure housing and even land a job. The best way to ensure your credit stays in good shape is to frequently check...
Nationwide Class Action Law Firm
Consumer Protection
What you need to know (and do) about the “mother of all data breaches”
One of the largest data breaches in history has exposed billions of accounts worldwide to potential cybercrime, sparking widespread concern. Dubbed the Mother of All Breaches, this massive data spill revealed 26 billion records from popular sites like LinkedIn, Adobe,...
What is a consumer protection class action lawsuit?
The average person often lacks the means to take on a big corporation after being harmed physically or financially by that company’s product or service. But when a large number of people with similar claims join forces, they have more power to seek rightful...
Can the Military Lending Act help you exit a timeshare?
It is well-known that timeshare companies target members of the United States armed forces. Service members have good-paying jobs and wages that can be garnished in the event of a default. Also, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, service members are required...
The military lending act may allow active-duty service members to exit timeshares
If you're an active duty service member who purchased a timeshare and is struggling with the financial obligations, you may have a way out. The Military Lending Act (MLA) provides protections for service members against predatory lending practices, including those...
Marc Edelson of Edelson Lechtzin LLP Appointed to Plaintiffs Steering Committee in Connexin Software Inc. Data Breach Class Action
The massive Connexin Software Inc. data breach spawned at least nine class action lawsuits, which have been consolidated in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Numerous law firms sought leadership positions in this case, and on...
Equifax Admits Issuing Millions Of False Credit Scores
Equifax provided incorrect credit reports for roughly 300,000 consumers seeking loans that were off by 25 points or more, and these would-be borrowers may have been wrongfully denied loans. Contact Edelson Lechtzin LLP to learn about your legal rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Edelson Lechtzin LLP Files Class Action Against Deceptive Energy Supply Companies
Energy Supply Companies (“ESCOs”) have exploited the deregulation of the retail electricity and natural gas markets by luring consumers into switching electricity and natural gas suppliers using a bait-and-switch pricing scheme designed to deceive reasonable consumers. These companies entice customers into switching to their electricity supply services by offering teaser rates that are initially lower than the local utilities’ market rates. Once the initial rate expires, however, ESCOs typically automatically switch their customers over to its more costly variable rate.
Exiting Timeshares – What you need to know about the Military Lending Act (Part 2 of 2)
Many timeshares violate the terms of the MLA. For too long, timeshare companies have preyed on service members through shady marketing tactics. Timeshare companies purposefully target service members because they are likely to fulfill their financial obligations. Timeshare companies will lure servicemembers into “high-pressure,” hours-long sales pitches, coercing them to purchase fractional interests in vacation properties.
Exiting Timeshares — What you need to know about the Military Lending Act (Part 1 of 2)
You may be entitled to financial relief if a lender violated your rights under the Military Lending Act (MLA). The MLA offers safeguards against predatory lending practices. Credit agreements that do not comply with the MLA are void from inception and you should be able to recover money spent on illegitimate loans.